Living at Muir

Welcome to the Muir College Residence Life! Living at Muir is a fun experience and we hope you are comfortable and enjoy your time here! Be sure to acquaint yourself with your House Advisors who can help you connect to resources and events on campus.
The majority of first-year resident students live in the residence halls, Tenaya or Tioga. Continuing students generally live in either the Muir Tamarack or Tuolumne apartments. If space availability is limited at Muir College, first-year and continuing students may be living in other residential areas around campus per HDH guidelines.
Muir Housing is unique because we feature a unique House system. Every two floors in a residential hall (connected by a spiral staircase and open lounge) and groups of apartments are considered a house. Each house has two House Advisors (HAs, or commonly known as RAs) who are committed to developing each house into a fun and cohesive community. Each floor in a residence hall are further divided into suites, where each suite can have singles, doubles, or triples. Each apartment space is shared between 4-6 residents and contains single and double spaces.
Additionally, Muir has multiple themed housing and Living Learning Community Opportunities:
- Three themed housing opportunities in residence halls: Wellness House in Tenaya, Cultural House in Tioga, Wilderness House in Tioga
- LGBTQIA+ Living Learning Community (LLC): Housed in specific areas of Tioga Hall (for first years) and Tuolumne Apartments (Tuolumne).
- Gender-inclusive housing: By opting into gender-inclusive housing, you will be living with others who have also opted into the same program. You will be living co-ed style with no gender preference.
We encourage every resident to be an involved member of their community. There are a wide range of programs and activities in which to participate. It is also important for you to know the University and residential life policies you are required by your housing contract.
Please check out the various options on the sidebar to get the answers to your questions.