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Room Assignment

For Incoming First-Time Students (per HDH website):

  • Accept the Offer of Admission, activate your Single Sign On and activate your email by May 15, 2024 and apply for Housing in the Enrollment Checklist by May 22, 2024 (date subject to change based on admission deadlines).
  • Housing contract information will be emailed to your UC San Diego email address: Week of June 17th.
  • Signed Housing contract and $450 prepayment due date: July 1, 2024.
  • Optional opportunity to apply for a Living Learning Community or Gender Inclusive Housing due date: July 8, 2024.
    • Must have the signed housing contract by the deadline.
    • More information on our Living Learning Communities or Gender Inclusive Housing can be found here
  • Priority deadline for OSD approved housing accommodations: July 8, 2024
  • Submit any roommate requests and room type preferences: due by July 22, 2024
  • Room Assignment and Move-in information available: Late-August*
  • Deadline to change Dining Plan: October 2, 2024

*Incoming first year students admitted from the Admissions Waitlist will receive updated dates for the housing deadlines.  Emails will be sent so please follow them to keep moving forward with the process and required deadlines.

How are residents assigned to a room?

The majority of first year Muir registered students will live at Muir and have been assigned to single, double, or triple rooms in the residence halls. Second-year students and above will live in the apartment spaces in Muir. 

If you are part of a themed/LLC housing opportunity, you will be placed in the same house as others in the community.

How do I get a specific housing accommodation?

Should you need a particular housing accommodation, please contact the Office of Students with Disabilities ( to discuss your required housing needs. You will need to provide documentation to receive any particular accommodation.

Can I switch rooms?

If you are interested in moving to a different space, you can add yourself to the Room Change Interest List on your Housing Portal. Once a space becomes available, we will reach out to you in regards to the possible offer. The list works on a waitlist type basis so there is no ETA on a possible offer from when you opt in. If the situation is more urgent, please contact us or your House Advisor.



In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.

More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.

More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.