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Calendar of Events 

The Calendar of Events is a centralized place to find current events, important deadlines, programs, and other general information from the College.

To find a specific area of interest, please filter in the top left bar by entering the “#” symbol, followed by any of the available tags explained below:  

In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of
California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.

More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.  More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.

#EDI = Programs targeted towards Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

#Learning = Programs targeted towards Gaining New Knowledge & Mastering New Skills

#CommunityBuilding = Programs targeted towards Building Community

#Sustainability = Programs targeted towards Sustainable Practices

#IndependentSpirit = Programs targeted towards Individuality


#TWOW = Triton Weeks of Welcome

#WelcomeWeek = Welcome Week related Programs

#Orientation = Orientation related Programs

#Muirstock = Muir's Annual College Concert

#CMCW = Celebrating Muir College Week, Week-long Programming that typically culminates in Muirstock

#CollegeBowl = Annual Muir Trivia Night w/ Recreation

#CollegeNight = Annual Muir College Night w/ Athletics

#SpiritWeek = Week-long Programming that culminate in the All-Colleges Spirit Night w/ Athletics

#HeritageMonth = Heritage Month related Programs

#PathwaystoLeadership = Drop-in workshops to develop and refine your leadership skills

#RadicalReads = Monthly Book Club

#First@Muir = Programs specifically targeted towards First Gen, Muir students

#Transfer = Programs for Transfers

#Commuters = Programs for Commuters

#Seniors = Programs for Seniors

#First-Gen = Programs for First Generation Students

#Family-Friendly = Programs for Students with Dependents

#International/OutofState = Programs for International and Out of State Students

#MuirOrg = Programs hosted by Muir Student Organizations

#GBM = General Body Meeting

#Academic = Important deadlines, programs, and other general information related to Advising and Academic Affairs

#JobOpportunity = Muir related Job Opportunities

#Housing = Important deadlines, programs, and other general information related to Housing and Residential Life

#MCWP = Muir College Writing Program