Residence Life
- Muir Housing Information
- Policies & Guidelines
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Room Tours
- Residence Life Staff
At UC San Diego, we believe you will find living on campus is an integral part of your education. As a result of your community living experience, we hope that you will develop a concern and respect for others; make responsible choices and decisions about a lifestyle which suits you best; share your academic, social, and cultural experience with other students; and learn to live peacefully in close quarters with a diverse group of people. We encourage you to work toward developing a positive involvement in your community, based on your rights and responsibilities as a resident living on campus.
Please be aware that as part of your housing contract, everyone who chooses to live in our residence communities must abide by the rules and regulations of UCSD, including, but not limited to, the UCSD Student Conduct Code, the UCSD
It is important to realize that students living in a group environment affect each other's lives in many ways. We strongly believe that one's actions demonstrate one's commitment to respecting differences. In addition, we will not accept ignorance, humor, anger, alcohol or substance abuse as an excuse, reason, or rationale for behavior. Certain shared responsibilities such as mutual cooperation, inclusion, and respect are integral to any successful group living situation. It also means accepting personal responsibility for how your everyday actions affect others living with you as roommates and neighbors. Establishing a positive and supportive residence environment means each individual must make occasional adjustments in personal habits, attitudes, and beliefs. Successful on-campus living, whether in the residence halls or apartments, means exercising your rights while recognizing your responsibilities in respecting the equally legitimate rights of the other members
In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.
More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.
More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.
Aquaint yourself with the residential policies pertinent to living on campus at Muir and UC San Diego.