First @ Muir
Mission Statement
Being the first to attend college means you are a trailblazer – you belong here in the home of the independent spirit. First @ Muir provides a space to grow and flourish.
Our mission is to create a community of support that offers first-generation college students opportunities to explore and express their individuality while navigating their UC San Diego journey.
Our goals at Muir College are to support the first-generation experience with:
- Transitioning into UC San Diego
- Connecting to campus resources
- Fostering and building upon a network of meaningful relationships
First @ Muir is a group dedicated to celebrating and honoring the first-generation university experience.
Join First at Muir this quarter during the dates and times below:
Winter 2025
We will have one more event this winter! More information coming soon!
Frequently Asked QuestionsDefinitions
UC San Diego and the University of California Office of the President define first-generation college students as students with neither parent having a four-year college degree.
At Muir, we recognize that even if one or both of a student's parent have a four-year college degree, other circumstances may lead them to self-identify as a first generation college student. We welcome any of our students that identify with the first generation college student experience.
Latinx/Chicanx Academic Excellence Initiative
At UC San Diego, we believe education should be accessible to all ambitious and talented students. Therefore, we are proud to offer the Latinx/Chicanx Academic Excellence Initiative, a campus-wide program designed to reflect and serve California’s fastest growing demographic. This means attracting and supporting a diverse faculty, staff and student community—making UC San Diego a place where generations rise.
Listen to what a student has to say about the importance of the initiative:
To find out more about the initiative, please visit
Other Resources
UC San Diego has campus-wide information and resources for First-Generation Students that we encourage you to take a look at. The University of California system also has information and resources available.
Triton Firsts is a comprehensive initiative to engage first-generation faculty, staff, students, and alums. Student Success Coaching in collaboration with Triton First will be hosting "Virtual Drop-In Hours" that will be open to all first-gen students' campus wide during Spring quarter. Check out the program flyer for availability.
Muir First Generation Staff
Cathy Baez - Assistant Dean of Academic Advising
Daniel Clark - Assistant Director of Residence Life
Claudia Peña - Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
Justin Glover - Director of the College Center & MOM
Mya Hines - Senior Academic Advisor
Karla Kastner - Senior Academic Advisor
Alyssa Patricio - Senior Academic Advisor
Sonia Rosado - Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Director of Residence Life
Michael Vallejo - Assistant Director of Residence Life
Amber Rivera- Munoz- Academic Advisor
Contact Information
Do you have questions about First @ Muir or first-generation students? Contact us and we'll direct your question to the appropriate staff member!
In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of
California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin,
religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.
More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.
More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.