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Land Acknowledgment

Muir College is built on Mat kulaaxuuy in the unceded territory of the Kumeyaay Nation. We acknowledge the eighteen American Indian tribes of this territory - including the Kumeyaay, Payómkawichum, Cupeño and Cahuilla - as well as the many Indigenous communities from the Americas and the Pacific who call San Diego home, and whose relations exist beyond colonization. We acknowledge that the Kumeyaay lands stretch beyond the present-day US Mexico border, including Kumiai village communities in Baja California, Mexico. We commit to building good relationships with the Native peoples of these lands.

Muir Pow Wow 2019

We are on Kumeyaay Land 

La Jolla's Orginal Name: Mat kulaaxuuy /mat kəlaːxuːj/ "Land of Holes" 


Kumeyaay Map Territory

The Kumeyaay Nation's unceded territory    (shaded area) expanded throughout San Diego and into Baja, Mexico. 





Banners Found in Muir College

banners around Muir College banners found around muir college


The People Behind the Quotes


Tommy Pico

"The first stars were born of a gravity, my ancestors."


Dolores Huerta

"Amor par el terruño... to the land that gives us life and nutures us"


Aaron Mair

"If one is going to be an environmentalist in the 21st century, one has to be a human rights activist."


Veerabhadran Ramanathan

"While we need science and technology to solve it, the underlying solution we neeed is to cahnge our atitude toward nature."


Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

"Our racial inequailty crisis is intertwined with our climate crisis."


Octavia Butler

"Every story I create, creates me. I write to create myself."