Daniel Clark, M.A.
Assistant Director of Residence Life
Michael Vallejo, M.A.
Assistant Director of Residence Life
Muir Residential Life Office Staff

Catherine Peng
Housing Assistant

Vanessa Barboza, M.A.
Program Assistant
Muir Residential Life Student Interns

Andrea Dzul
Res Life Intern
Alyssa Wong
Res Life Intern
Daniela De La Torre
Res Life Intern

Kim Lam
Res Life Intern
Muir House Advisors (HAs)

Alex Puente

Nicole Reardon

Miranda Seldon

Cecilia Hurlbert

Emma Delisle

Bianca Ortiz

Diana Gonzalez
C House HA

George Alcaraz
C House HA

Jerson Perez
D House HA

Maria Kolattukudy
D House HA
Daniella Perez
E House HA

Sneha Sairam
E House HA