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Muir Student Organization Resources

Below are a variety of forms and links for Muir Student Organizations. If you have any questions please contact your student organization advisor or for general questions, please contact the John Muir College Office of Student Affairs.

Student Organization Criteria and Registration

Criteria to Exist as a John Muir College Student Organization

  1. Organization Criteria
  1. Student organization must have a unique mission and focus different from that of current Muir College student organizations and campus-wide organizations.  The mission and focus must clearly identify the benefit the organization will provide for John Muir College students.
  2. Organizations must be independent organizations, not affiliated with a campus-wide student organization, club, or committee. (e.g. Muir College Student Organizations cannot be registered as student organization through the Center for Student Involvement).
  3. Organizations cannot be a sports or recreational club and/or team.


2. Executive Board Criteria

  1. Minimum of 3 executive members and a maximum of 7* executive members *If the organization would like more than 7 executive officers, the organization must get special permission from the Muir College Office of Student Affairs via their advisor.
  2. At least 2/3 of executive board must be currently enrolled Muir College students or current Muir College residents who are currently enrolled UC San Diego undergraduate students.
  3. Each organization must identify a Chief Executive Officer (e.g. Chair, President, Editor-in-Chief)* to serve as the primary contact for the student organization. This person will be responsible for keeping the organization accountable for following all college and university policies as well as the UC San Diego Principles of Community.
    * If the organization chooses to use alternate titles than the ones specified above, the organization must get special permission from the Muir College Office of Student Affairs via their advisor.
  4. All student organization executive members must agree to and sign the Muir College Indemnification Agreement.


3. Membership Criteria

  1. Only currently enrolled UC San Diego undergraduate students may be members of Muir College student organizations.
  2. Organizations must be open to all currently enrolled Muir College students.
  3. 2/3 of student organization members must be currently enrolled Muir College students or current or former Muir College residents who are currently enrolled UC San Diego undergraduate students.
  4. Membership list, including name, PID number, UC San Diego email address, and college affiliation of each member, must be maintained by the executive board.


4. Outreach Criteria

  1. Programs, events, and meeting times must be advertised to the Muir College community.
  2. Recruitment efforts should be primarily focused on the Muir College community.

If all criteria listed above are not met, the organization will not be/no longer be an official John Muir College registered student organization.


  1. Each organization must register with Muir College on an annual basis. The registration period will open end of Spring Quarter and close beginning of Fall Quarter.
  2. Student organizations needing meeting space must submit a reservation request.
  3. All student organizations are invited participate in Muir College student organization fairs occurring during Welcome Week, Winter quarter, and Triton Day.
  4. Every executive member must attend the Fall quarter student organization training.
  5. Student organizations must complete the indemnification form during the registration process.
  6. Executive members must meet regularly with a college-assigned advisor.
  7. Each organization must have at least 1 executive member attend monthly org head meetings throughout the academic year.
  8. Student organizations requesting funding for the following year, must submit a budget call to Muir College Council Spring quarter.


Registration is coordinated by Muir College Student Affairs on an annual basis. To register a new Muir College student organization or re-register an existing organization, please contact Muir College Student Affairs at

Facility Reservation

  • Looking to partner with the Middle of Muir (MOM) to host a program in the space? Fee structure, food/drink options, and contact info on Programs with MOM form.  
    • Utilization of venue for programs is contingent on approved partnership/collaboration with MOM. Priority given to John Muir College student organizations, residential life, and College unit programs. Other UCSD student organization use of venue requires alignment with the philosophy of John Muir College and is at the discretion of administration. The Middle of Muir (MOM) is not a reservable space. 



Equipment & Services


  • If you're planning a large event or an event or activity on or off campus that may involve risk, talk to your advisor if you need to fill out a Group Waiver (PDF)
  • Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Forms and Information 
  • Need Muir facilities and equipment for an event? Use the Muir College Facilities and Resources Form to reserve the following equipment. Note: All reservation requests must be submitted at least two weeks before the event.
    • Tables and/or Chairs
    • Quad flood lights, projector, digital camera, Instax Camera, Instax Printer
    • Barbecue Grill in the lower Muir Quad (open to Muir Organizations and Muir Houses only)
  • Audio/Visual Technical Needs
    • For most programs, it is recommended to contact University Centers Tech; they support registered student orgs at locations accross campus. They are able to help with equipment and technical staffing for things like movie nights and music or other performances. Contact to start the conversation about your program needs and get a cost estimate. 
    • Programs in the Stewart Commons (the area just west of Middle of Muir) may be able to use built-in outdoor speakers when background music or simple voice amplification are the only needs. 

Leadership Resources

Leadership Resources

Below, find four documents that may prove useful in running your meetings and leading your student organization: